Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Health Questions

1. Why is my health so important to me?
Health is important to me for a various amount of reasons but there are only a few main ones. The main ones are that I like being physically fit because it makes me happy and I’m an athlete and because it makes me feel mentally and emotionally good about myself. The way it affects me mentally and emotionally is because these two things have to do with how I feel on a daily basis. When I don’t get out to play and exercise enough I get a feeling of being “fat,” and like crap. So therefore my health is important to me because it affects me on a daily basis.
Source: myself
2: how diverse are types of care of people with health issues?
The types/amount of people in the U.S with extential health care was very shocking. On a pie chart I found it stated that 30% have hospital care, 21% in physical/ clinical services, 10% in retail- RX drugs, 7% program administration, 6% nursing homes, 3% government health care, 3% home health care, and 10% other activities. This tells me that there are much more people in the U.S with health difficulty then I thought. I think it is mostly due to accidental injury, developing something inherited throughout life, or even receiving something from another person. The reason I think this is because I believe that people don’t become unhealthy on purpose, it is that they are either inflicting some personal issue on their health or they had nothing to do with the problem. Because I don’t think people try to give themselves cancer on purpose.
3: what does health mean?
Healthy - having or indicating good health in body or mind; free from infirmity or disease; "a rosy healthy baby"; "staying fit and healthy
4: how many people eventually end up with some sort of cancer?
On a worldwide scale in 2002 1,151,298 people had breast cancer, 1,023,152 had colon cancer, 1,352,132 people had lung cancer, and 679,023 people had prostate cancer.
5: what are some ways serious health defects can be avoided?
The main reason according to this site that there are defects on a person life is through alcohol. So for alcohol what people can stop doing is drinking too much of it and constantly getting drunk to enjoy a moment or especially drinking during pregnancy because alcohol causes birth defects so the baby will be born with health issues.
6: are people who are mentally ill considered healthy?
As interpreted from the web page, being mentally ill is not considered healthy. The reason being is that to be defined as mentally ill you must be in distress in various aspects of your life such as work, social situations, etc. so it can therefore be interpreted that being mentally ill is considered unhealthy and there is no alternative point of view to it because, for example: you can be in a coma and be mentally stable at the same time.
7: what are the main personal reasons people try to stay healthy?
Main personal reasons to stay healthy are for things like family, financial, and even your own personal survival. By being healthy you are almost assured to live longer and have more energy throughout a day then someone who isn’t healthy. And not only does health affect yourself but it affects the family too because when you are very unhealthy your family members might get worried about how long you will be alive for.
8: how does mood affect health?
A way that mood affects a person daily is going through something as simple as having an argument with another person. This causes the body to take longer to repair itself. This test was conducted with daily arguing couples at Ohio State where scientists would give the couples tiny blisters and then see how long it took to heal. It ended up it took 40% longer then if they didn’t argue.
9: is perfect health possible?

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