Saturday, April 25, 2009

Health Paper

Since the beginning of this health unit, I have discovered some new views of health along with ones that I have already agreed with. These new ideas consist of the ways of therapy, personal decision, and even food. The reason I haven’t thought of these before is due to the American culture. This has to do with the messages our media gives us and whenever we hear “health,” the first thing people think are “flatter abs.” But as I have learned there is more to health then just those abs because there is more to your body and emotions then just being buff/ physically fit. By learning this I am able to insight my own life through these combined known and used to be unknown idea of health.

One of the ideas of that I have learned are the ways of therapy. By learning about ways of therapy I was able to infer how a therapist helps dictate how to live our lives which is actually unhealthy. When a person pays a therapist for help they are actually not telling us to be ourselves by to conform to the way society says we should be which is unhealthy in my opinion. I feel as though a therapist should advise a person’s qualities to tweak them up in order to live a healthy life. Not try to mold a person into something they are not. By learning this I wouldn’t pay attention to this sort of health. The reason is because I don’t want to change who I am. Except tweak up certain aspects for the better.

Another aspect of health I have learned about was personal decisions. The example we used in class was the one with the guy in retirement who has to make a choice between saving the car he has saved money his entire life for or saving a little kid from getting hit by a train. Either way he can’t get both so either his dream car gets destroyed or a kid dies. So in my opinion I feel that the healthy decision would be to save the kid. Even though the car represents the one person’s financial security, everyone should have the right to live. Therefore saving the kid would be more morally right instead of saving a material object. This would be something that I would use in my own life because it tests your ability to make big decisions. I believe that the right decision is the one that would affect the most people positively. Therefore by saving the kid it would affect others in an emotionally positive way instead of that person being brutally murdered which in most cases would result in agony. Instead of saving the car which only would’ve affected one person. In this sense I feel that I would use this in my life to become a healthier person

The final main idea I never thought about was food. Food is something that is very healthy for a person not only in a physical way but also in a mental/emotional way. The reason this part of health works both ways is because for the physical aspect there are considered healthy and unhealthy types of food. So for those good healthy foods it helps a person stay physically fit to do daily activities. Even non everyday activities such as sports or special types of expeditions that people take when they go on adventures in the wild. But at the same time this also affects the emotional aspect of food. This is because most people who are naturally physically fit and not on steroids; it will usually impact the mind in a positive way. This is due to being able to be able to do wild things you want to do and plus have people look at you in a respected way. Instead of that ugly, cranky, fat ass that no one wants to be around. Therefore I would use this aspect of health in my own life because I want to be looked at as one of the cool healthy people instead of the ugly fat ass. Plus playing sports is important to me so I can’t eat all junk food and be happy if I expect to succeed in sports.

All together, I have really changed some of my aspects of health. Because before I thought it was all about just being happy with flatter abs. but as I have learned throughout this unit there is more to health then that because if it was all flatter abs then there would be no reason to be therapists in the world. Plus we wouldn’t ever think about observing the value that certain things, like food have behind them because we as a capitalist society don’t even pay attention to those types of things due to our media.

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