Saturday, March 28, 2009

Animal Paper

Today in society, most humans classify themselves as being humans, instead of a part of animal nature and they are highly mistaken. Due to people acting the way they do and having the technology we have, we believe that we are not a “part,” of the planet earth. That there is earth and then the humans that rule it. This has to do with obstacles that lead us to believe that we aren’t a part of nature and that we aren’t animals.
The first obstacle is the religious Genesis. This obstacle conveys the religious message about being human. What the Genesis means is that god created humans and humans are little parts/ minions of god. Saying that since we are as part of god we aren’t animals. This makes it so that we think we are the rulers of the earth and we have no connections to the other animals around us. So this is a way that we are blinded from being aware we are animals
The second obstacle is scientific classification. This obstacle tells us that we are a completely different genus from other animals. This means that on the animal “web,” humans descended from other animals/ humans and therefore achieve our own genus as Homo Sapiens Sapiens. This tells us that scientific classification wants us to believe that we are an entirely different genus from other humans/animals/species to come before humans. That we should forget about what made us and just forget how it was animals and these earlier human forms that created the humans we are today. Plus forget how these earlier human forms are the ones that were close with animals due to the hunter-gatherer ways people used to survive in the past. So this is the way scientific classification tells us we shouldn’t believe we are animals.
The third obstacle is that we only chill with other animals. This has to do with mostly the communication and physical skills. A reason we don’t chill with animals is because we believe that we have nothing in common with them which is a complete lie. Things we actually do have in common with animals are the more natural things such as birth, eating/ drinking, mating, strength/ weakness, power, and many more. But we don’t look at these things because all we as humans think about are, who has the new Sidekick and, where did you get those Jordan’s? Since other animals don’t have these qualities, we are blinded from them and therefore feel we have no connections with other animals around us.
The fourth obstacle is being forced to do non animal like things such as going to school and sitting in a class room. This has to be one of the biggest things that neglect us from being the “animals,” we are supposed to be like. Sitting in class dulls us out and is so boring by listening to things you don’t care about and having to sit in those hard metal chairs/ wooden stools all day is just torture. Plus the fact that now a day things such as TV, video games, and sitting in front of a computer working are emphasized higher in today’s culture. While there are wild animals in the world doing their learning hands on and experiencing what it is like to live. An example is when we as a class did the activity when we were on the roof and acted out what other people did in a moving “live,” activity. Instead of being lectured we were able to achieve a better feeling through getting up and having some fun by being able to tap into animal feeling. So therefore, this is how school is a big obstacle in blocking us from knowing we are animals.
The final obstacle is Decart’s theory of Dualism. This is the theory of there being humans and every other creature to us is just an object. This hides us from feeling that we are animals because if every other species is an object, and we don’t believe we are also objects, then we feel we are separate from other animals. This is the reason why scientists perform experiments on live animals because they believe that the rabbit or mouse they are conducting the experiment on is just an object. Therefore, these are the obstacles to why we believe we aren’t animals.
But on the contrary there are things in the world that make us want to believe we are animals. The first benefit for knowing why we are animals is the most natural of them all which is child birth. Child birth is something that helps us want to believe we are animals because it is supposed to be one hundred percent natural. Since getting pregnant to have a baby is natural then the birth of it should be just as natural. Meaning no epidurals or c-sections which disrupt this natural process of being a human and using your natural animal trait of giving birth. This is a benefit of how humans get to know how they are like animals.
The second benefit is knowing that our bodies matter and emphasize on the physical aspects of life. This means that we should look at getting out into the world, getting athletic, or just using the animal senses that we have. So by sitting on a couch playing video games isn’t something that an animal would emphasize. Emphasizing doing things like running around, using our bodies, and getting the “blood flowing,” is something that some people look past. But the benefit of knowing what to do is a good thing because then you know you can build on getting out and using the body more. And knowing that our bodies do matter and that sitting playing a video game really doesn’t.
The third benefit is using our minds the proper way. This means that instead of using them on things we don’t care about, we should get back to our animal instincts and use our minds for more things that animals are interested in. Things such as mating, food, instincts, being athletic, etc. By using our minds in these ways we are able to tap into a part of the brain that helps convince us that we are animals so that therefore we should use our minds that will give us a further connection with nature, instead of meaningless things like school which animals don’t think about. An animal’s school is basically getting out and experiencing nature to learn. We as humans have to sit in classroom uncomfortably and using mind power for dumb things when we should be outside experiencing things and tapping into our inner animal world.
The final benefit is called, No Special Rescue. This means that as a human being we think that we are the most important creatures out there, that no one can destroy/ kill us, and that if something goes wrong there is always someone looking out. But truth is we as humans are wrong. The only reason we think this is because our conscious is telling us we can’t be killed and become extinct. But if we tap into our animal selves we will realize that sometimes there isn’t always someone looking out for us. The way we would figure this out is by looking at the history of animals getting killed off and becoming extinct. This would make us realize that no one was looking out for them so therefore the same thing can happen to us. So by knowing this can further tap into our animal senses and realize that we can have the same fate as other animals did so therefore know that we are indeed animals too.
In my own opinion I believe that we must as a human race better understand how we are animals and understand how it is more meaningful to understand our animal qualities instead of just neglecting them. By understanding how we are animals we can live life more to its fullest because we will have the capability to “escape,” our homes, TV’s and video games and be able to enjoy the outside life more like an animal would. This would allow us to not only be healthier but be a happier human being. This is by being able to exercise and not being trapped in a house or apartment because to most if you were trapped inside for too long you will start to get out of shape, lazy, tired quicker, and worst of all lonely. People who have realized and accepted their animal parts of them have gone on to live happier lives. People such as athletes who embrace the reality of getting up, getting out, and playing a sport tend to live happy lives because they enjoy the outdoors like an animal would and they are doing something they enjoy because they don’t feel like they are trapped like a student in a classroom. So I believe that people must embrace, understand, and take advantage of their animal selves because by doing this it can lead to happiness, meaning, and a better understanding of life.

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