Saturday, May 30, 2009

Industrial Food

After watching the “Animal Cruelty,” and “The Meatrix 2.5” video, I have noticed things about the meat I eat that I never would’ve thought of. In The Meatrix video I noticed how the authors of the site used animation and a theme comparing to the hit movie trilogy, The Matrix to portray the message of how animals for food in the U.S have been corrupted. The video showed the animals as the good guys and a pig as Neo whom in the real Matrix is considered “The One.” This showed me how of course the animals don’t like the treatment from the humans. Furthermore the site reassembled the corrupting and disrespectful humans as the “Meatrix Agents.” These are the people who try to destroy and corrupt the Matrix just as how in the “Meatrix” the people who kill, torture, and corrupt the animals. The video even showed the agents corrupting the animals with the hormones used to make the cows grow in order to receive the maximum amount of milk. So I felt that this site used a unique way to get the public’s attention in order to spread the idea of how animals are being tortured and disrespected in order for us people to get our meat.
The other video I watched was the “Animal Cruelty,” one. The authors of this site took a more serious and strength forward look at the issue as oppose to The Meatrix. This site’s video made it more serious rather than a cartoon/ “joke.” But oppose to The Meatrix, this site had a wider spread view of animal cruelty instead of just talking about cows. This site broke it down for animals such as cattle and most of all chickens. Chickens were tortured the worst because they were crammed together in warehouse type facilities where it was hard for them to even move. Then their diet was mutated to the point where most of them would either die of heart attacks or would get so fat that their legs couldn’t support the weight so they would just collapse and not be able to reach their mutated food diet. Then they would be shipped off to slaughter houses where their throats were slit with some of them either dead or still conscious. So as I was watching these videos I actually felt very disgusted in seeing what we as a human race are doing to the creatures of earth. It is messed up in how we are treating our planet and it must be stopped.
Even though I feel these acts of murder and torture must be stopped I feel that I won’t be able to change my dieting/ eating habits due to knowing the ways I actually receive my meat. This is due to being raised to eat foods like chicken, beef, and pork so my whole life so I never trained myself to really think about how the food got there. So even after finding out this information I am able to finally understand more about the world around me but I’m not necessarily able to change. This is because my favorite foods happen to be meats such as beef and chicken. So in conclusion I feel that understanding and following this information is important to the survival of our planet. But if there are people like me that don’t want to adapt their ways, then these animals will come eventually to their extinction.

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