Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Big Food Paper

In today’s society, the American industrialization of food is basically “bitch slapping,” the planet we live on. This means that as a country we are taking advantage of the natural resources the earth gives to use and using them as a convenience instead of a luxury. These is causing disrespect to the animals by using fossil fueled machines to mame, torture, and kill these animals that farmers and Indians back in the day had to work to get. These machines are killing not only the animals but are “biting the hand that feeds us,” as a human race. By disrespecting and taking advantage of these natural food sources we are eventually going to kill the planet and therefore cause a worldwide starvation alert.
A place where I learnt about how people were taking advantage of wild cattle is in the internet movie series, The Meatrix. This showed me how of course the animals don’t like the treatment from the humans. The site reassembled the corrupting and disrespectful humans as the “Meatrix Agents.” These are the people who try to destroy and corrupt the Matrix just as how in the “Meatrix” the people who kill, torture, and corrupt the animals. The video even showed the agents corrupting the animals with the hormones used to make the cows grow in order to receive the maximum amount of milk. Also by putting the cows in tight crammed up spaces in warehouses where they basically have no place to move and get fed food sprayed out of a machine which is no way to treat an animal that is so important to a human’s survival. Plus then these cows are taken to slaughter houses they are basically lined up on a machine that is used to send each one by a person with a big ass knife slicing each cow’s throat. Now in my opinion I feel this is no way to treat the natural resources that supply and feed the people of earth. If we as a race are to kill cattle, we should cut down the rate of which we are doing it because it is causing a lot of excess death that is unnecessary to the species and to the planet. Furthermore we shouldn’t drug up and torture the animal beforehand. If we are to continue our ways we should consider changing the brutal ways in which we are murdering the creature to make it more respectful. And make it so we aren’t killing as many so we can save the earth’s population of that creature. If we are to do that then there shouldn’t be a big of a panic of how soon an animal may become extinct. Thus we will be changing our ways on not disrespecting the planet and animals like we are.
Another place I learnt about how industrial food is killing our culture is through Pollan’s book called “The Omnivore’s Dilemma.” From what I read in this book, it showed me how food has been getting corrupted by the corporations that industrialize our earth for food. This in other words means that food has gotten to such a point that we don’t know what to eat anymore. This is due to there being so many voices of diets, ways to stay healthy/ lose weight, and just the supply and demand of all the foods being developed. This has caused food to be some alienated thing that we humans now take for granted and not care/ think about. Instead of way back when the Native Americans felt that every piece of food they were able to get together was something special due to it being a privilege and not a luxury. Now because it’s a luxury, we don’t think twice of where our food has come from and how an animal had to be sacrificed to let us eat a steak. Or the backbreaking labor a man might’ve had to go through to get some fresh fruit. Since corporations have taken over these ideas of food being special, it will eventually kill the planet and alert worldwide starvation because at the rate we are going, the earth won’t have any chance to heal itself and this will cause even the most natural of resources to be obsolete and we won’t have any food to eat anymore due to there being no more earth made food or even animal meat.
If we as a culture don’t start fast, we maybe start facing some alert of starvation along the line in our lifetime. Since we are killing more then what needs to be killed the earth is being torn up by the people who live on it. So that even the most natural fruits like bananas and strawberries won’t even be around because the soils of the earth will be so overworked they can’t fertilize any new plants. Plus even potatoes that are grown out of the earth won’t be around due people digging them all up and possibly wasting them on the billions of junk food McDonalds French Fries. Since this is such a big issue it must be advised and acted upon quickly. If not then the people of earth will be staring right into starvation because the earth will be completely “bitch slapped,” and won’t be able to recover from the brutal torture of the American food industry.

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