Thursday, June 11, 2009

Collapse Assignment 2

I feel that everything must have a beginning and end. Just how the saying says, “all good things must come to an end.” The thought of my life collapsing is a hard one to dig into because there are just so many possibilities to what might cause this to happen. Possibilities that are personal and in my control or ones that are worldwide issues and out of my reach. I feel that the only ones in my control are school and work related. But as a society I feel my life will collapse when there is no more food, or when there is no more fossil fuels to do work for us.
One of the ways I feel my life is going to collapse is when there are no/ a shortage of animals/ food on the planet. This is going to be due to the population reaching its peek where we will lead into a food recession due to there being such a high supply and demand. This is due to us using fossil fuels to beat up the earth and process these foods. Without these fuels there is no way we have such a high supply and demand thus a possible food shortage somewhere in the near future. This will be due to us killing so many animals such as chicken and cattle that we will be running their species to the brink of extinction. Which will be when the earth turns around and says to itself, “holy shit, we really screwed up by killing too many of these wild animals.” And for some people it may not be till animals are extinct that we learn our lesson on how we are “raping,” the earth’s natural food resources. For this part of the collapse to happen it will only be a matter of time because at the rate we are going, there will soon be no cattle or chicken left for us to kill and eat.
This leads into the other half of the collapse which is when the fossil fuels are gone. When the fossil fuels are gone not only is the economy going to go down with the loss of fossil fuels, but there will be a huge and long recession as the result. The reason being is because without fossil fuels we would have lost our way of getting energy. This will cause the planet to go into years of recession because people will have to develop a way of creating safe and renewable energy so that we can have it to power any devise we need to. It will close down millions of jobs especially ones in factories because there will be no fossil fuels to power the machines to make products. And even there was a magical way to make the products; no one would buy them because there would be no fossil fuels to power them. This will not only cause loss of jobs, but also lots of food problems because no one is going to want to go through the manual labor of picking crops. This will cause a hectic situation to adapt to because no one wants to work for it when they used to go to the supermarket.
Therefore this collapse can cause a hectic situation if we don’t act soon. If we don’t the fossil fuels we depend on will be gone. And plus there will be no more animals to eat because they will be extinct and a major part of society would’ve collapsed.

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