Friday, February 6, 2009

Paragraph on opinion of eldery people

In my family and outside family life, I have mixed about elderly people. The reason this is, is because I feel there are two types of old people. There are the nice and kind old people, and the cranky and short tempered one. And in my family the nice person is my aunt and the cranky person is my grandfather. I happen to have a very strong bond with my aunt. She is one of my go to relatives when I have a problem and a person who I enjoy spending time with. Whether it is on New Year’s Eve, a Yankees game, having a bite to eat, or even just chilling in the apartment. I feel that she is one of those elderly people who is more down to earth and is in tune with what’s not just going on in the financial and global fields. But also the technology and topics that we teenagers are familiar with. Whether it be sports, iPods, video games, DVD’s, or even lady advice. But she is one of the old people I like because since she still has some of her youth in her so she understands where I am coming from with certain things. She understands what it’s like to be a teen and I can talk to her as if she was one of my friends that I would chill with on the weekends. But not just this, she also gives me a ton of advice on situations. This is due to the fact of her not getting crazy and calmly explaining to me of how I was right and wrong and I what I could’ve done to avoid/ help a situation. This happens to be a connection that I don’t have with many people and it is nice to have some who can truly understand me and where my fuck ups come from. This is how I feel about the old people when it comes to the nice ones that can understand who you are.
On the other hand I have my grandfather. Now, I have nothing against my grandfather. I love him to death, I have a very strong connection with him, and he’s a very smart and wise man. But he just pisses me off sometimes. He is one of those people who are trapped back in the “dark ages,” when it comes to how teenagers are. Due to the fact that he is a hardcore fisherman every time I go to his house I have to wake up at about 7:00am. This is because to him at 7:00am is like that day is half over. So he almost has to wrestle me out of bed because my attitude is, “who the fuck wakes up at 7:00am on a Saturday/ Sunday?” He doesn’t understand that we teenagers hate waking up to go to school every day and Saturday and Sunday are our only two days to sleep late. So the occasional times I’m there and he does this it really pisses me off which is why I don’t go to his house as much as I used to. Plus he has a real short temper. It is like asking someone to do something one time it was too many times. He is one of those people who gets aggravated too easily. I believe this isn’t due to any personal tragedies but because of his slowly rising age. Plus the annoyance of his old time crap. Always singing old songs to me and asking the rhetorical question “do you know what song this is/ who sings this?” and I just sit there like “he is dead serious? I don’t give a fuck about some dude singing 70 years ago.” So this is how I feel about the cranky annoying old person. I’m not saying they are bad people but without enough youth it just kills it because it is hard to connect to experiences or ways to handle things. Some with some youth will handle something differently then someone who has completely forgot what it was like.

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