Thursday, November 13, 2008

About This Historic Election

Going into this election I had a good feeling that Barack Obama was going to win. The reason is that a lot of people in this country are suffering due to a stock market that’s in free fall, mortgage and gas prices going up, and two wars that are costing the economy millions of dollars a day. Due to this, a change in the white house was needed. Not for another republican to be running the show and following in the footsteps of the person who doesn’t give less of a fuck about anything, George W. Bush. Even though McCain would speak all these things about change and trying to make things cheaper, he is still a republican which means he will be for the wealthy. Only caring about those with elegant houses, beautiful cars, tons of land, and just people whom overall have a better lifestyle then the vast majority. Even on CNN during the election it showed the types of people who were projected/ who did vote for each canidate and even those in the upper class voted for Obama disregarding the fact that their taxes would be increased. This shows that with the economy and stock market in recession, that even those in the upper class feel that it is a time for change because they have that feeling that this economy is catching up with them when it comes to their finances.

But people who are expecting an immediate change from Barack are in for a big surprise. Even though he already got elected, he doesn’t start his term until January. Plus, this country is so far down in the shitter that it’s not going to take six months to get everything back to normal. It will take an extended period of time in order to get things running smoothly in our government. Plus with the war in Iraq, Barack will not immediately pull our troops out because he doesn’t want to look like a wimp. He will stay there for a while and then gradually pull troops out. So all together I feel very happy and have more confident in my future with Barack Obama as our president, but change is a long way off.

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