Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgivng Part 2/ message on how to live a good and meaningful life

On thanksgiving I feel that the holiday shows us some marginal messages on how to live a good and meaningful life. The reason I think so because this holiday where you don’t need to be blingin’, having Ferrari’s, money, and ladies. This is a day where you are supposed to appreciate the small things in life that make you happy. It is a day where you can disregard the “flatter abs,” message that you have to eat 100% healthy and be completely fit. It is one of those days where if you eat like a fat ass and no one will care because there is so much food to be eaten. This is one of those marginal messages because it is not everywhere you hear someone tell you to eat as much fatty and unhealthy food you can because thanksgiving is one of those exceptions where it’s like who cares? It’s like if I want to eat a whole turkey, I will eat a whole turkey and forget my health. So in this sense this is a way on how a marginal message affects our view on a good and meaningful life.

Thanksgivng Part 1

During my thanksgiving I thought that things where pretty normal along the terms of being separate from other thanksgivings. During my thanksgiving I cooked, chilled, and watched the crappiest day of thanksgiving football in my lifetime. This was all fun because I was able to do things that feel special on that one day of the year. On normal days food is just food, but on thanksgiving we sit around and appreciate the meal. Saying to ourselves that during a year with all the crap and aggravation we go through, that we can be with people we love and appreciate a “feast,” and each other. Throughout the day I was able to talk to people I don’t usually see, eat great food I cooked, and watched football. Besides the fact that the games sucked, didn’t subtract the fact that it was a special family day.
But all together I don’t think that families isolate each other’s point of thanksgiving unless they are just rebellious and just take everything into the negative. Even though back in the day when the Indians and the pilgrims started the thanksgiving tradition and then the pilgrims killed the Indians, some might against thanksgiving because you are celebrating how the pilgrims killed the Indians after helping them. But I believe that most people in the world actually look at thanksgiving as a day to forget all the bad and actually focus on the good. So in historical terms is like, so what if the pilgrims killed the Indians, let’s celebrate the thanks they gave to each other before all the hatred and murder. It like, lets bond and remember/ appreciate the good because there is too much bad in the world to celebrate it. Thanksgiving is suppose to be that day where you forget all your problems and have a good time with family. A day to forget all sins and problems but to feel good with ones you love.
In my opinion, the day after thanksgiving is just like any other day. The reason I think so because it is a day where some people go back to work and others stay home and chill. So for most it is just like any other crappy day. For me, all I did was sleep till 2:30 in the afternoon, watch TV, write this blog, and go bowling. Also the day after depending on the person’s situation, you don’t have to spend the day after with family so that’s another way how it is just like any other day. It is when stuff for the most part goes back to normal and for others it’s like “thank you thanksgiving for giving me Thursday and Friday off from work/ school.” So that’s why I feel that the day after isn’t really that significant cause all it is, is chilling and cleaning up from the meal.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

dominant messages on corporate culture

While doing our research on dominant messages on corporate culture there are some that always come up. They come up because these are things that people from companies and the media wants us to be like. One of these things that we discovered was the way of being fit. Being fit for men and women is a big thing in the world today. The reason it is such a big issue is because everyday people die due to bad health. Also it is a public message on how you present yourself. Usually those who are fit and have things like as the class would say women who have flat abs and men who have big muscles are the ones who stand out more in society. Usually not fat and unhealthy people who are disabled and whatnot.
Another type of corporate message is being athletic. The reason I bring this up is due to what people see on TV when it comes to sports and outdoor activates. Sports are something the people all over look at. The reason is that if you are athletic it usually means you are fit and strong and it raises a person’s sex appeal plus you usually hear good things about these people. When you are watching the news you never hear “The Coach Potato Report,” or the “Lazy Bowl,” which would be like the Super Bowl for people who do nothing. Doing nothing isn’t interesting to people except to the people who do it. Also there are no healthy effects to sitting on a couch and watching TV twenty for hours a day and seven days a week. A person’s body becomes too out of shape, continues the mindset of just doing nothing, fat can clog arteries, massive weight gain, and many more. So being athletic is something big that corporate messages tell us.
These corporate leaders also want us to follow this idea of being “miserable.” Companies such Apple, Sony, Microsoft, and even clothing companies such as Reebok, Under Armor, and Majestic want us to be miserable. The reason we are this way is due to our greed and desire to want things. In our lives today, when companies such as Apple came out with the IPod. Everyone wanted the iPod to listen to music on the go. But when upgrades and newer editions of these things came out, it was our desire to want it and not being able to get it makes us miserable because we can’t get what we want. Then when we finally get it and a newer edition comes out, it is misery all over again. So all corporate media and culture do to us is use our desire to always shoot us down.
Another corporate message is to look fresh, get money, and get ladies. The reason I bring up this issue is because everywhere you look you see celebrities with their high fashion clothing, money, making it sound like mansions are as easy to buy as candy, have bling( jewelry, diamonds, chains), and just act like you are the man. Everywhere you look you see something having to do with this. Either it is Tom Cruise with some movie, Kanye West in a Rap Video, or even those Victoria Secret models wearing their exotic and sexy clothing. All this shows us is how people in high society are. This connects to what I said before about misery because it makes us feel miserable how easy it is for these upper class people can get cars and mansions easily and average people in the world feel like crap because they look at that and say “I’m living in a hole and these guys got Bentleys and mansions, why can’t they throw me some of that money to help my family?”

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Big Paper for a good and meaningful life

Don’t you ever sit in class during a random discussion/ lecture and think to yourself, is my life meaningful? And the answer to that question is based on the person who is answering the question because there are a various amount of answers. Some people will give you the answer “well of course my life is meaningful just because I’m me,” there are those others who will give you the answer “I think my life is actually kind of average and that it isn’t nothing special,” and then there are those who are just like “my life don’t mean shit.” These answers come from inside and deep down where u can honestly and rationally think about life. And the answer to this has to do with a person’s situation in life. Most of the time if a person has a very rich family they feel that their life means everything, usually the middle class can go both ways, and lower class feel like shit because they have no money so they feel like they mean nothing. The reason this is, is because those with good grades and a lot of money feel that their life is going somewhere but poor people with their life in turmoil feel their lives are meaningless because they feel they are so far down the shitter and can’t get out. In my situation I feel like I’m in between the middle class perspective and the lower class perspective. The reason I think so is because my life is kind of messed up now because of my grades and that my parents keep taking things away from me. But this doesn’t mean that my life is meaningless in my eyes. To me it says my life can be more meaningful if I just do something about it.

When I asked other people on the street, I was getting mixed answers. And the variety of these answers had to do with the person’s situation in life. I remember I asked this guy who was sitting on a bench on 22nd street and he told me that his life wasn’t really meaningful. He said that on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the most meaningful that his life was a 4/10. And the reason he gave me was that he was having problems and he didn’t know where his life was going. In my opinion he wasn’t rich and he was struggling to find his way in the world. On the contrary the dean of SOF Mr. Marks actually feels very confident about the meaning of his life. He felt that on the scale of 1-10 that his life was an 8. This tells me that because of his occupation he feels that his life really means something. That it is meaningful to make sure that kids are safe, a school system is running smoothly, and that he has the good feeling that he is sending America’s youth into college. So different people have different views on their importance in life based on their current situation in life.

After watching the music video, All You Need is Love; by The Beatles it gave me an entire different view of having a meaningful life. On the contrast of Kanye with being pimped out with cars, money, and ladies. The Beatles demonstrate an entirely different point of view of a meaningful life by saying to have meaning is to love. So like if you don’t love something, it doesn’t mean anything. By saying this it practically pushes aside everything that Kanye stated in his video that you need money and ladies. But The Beatles think that love makes life meaningful. That money can’t buy you happiness. It’s only that if you find something in life that’s close to you and you can live by and then you will be happy. Also in the video it was not as hyped and crazy as Kanye’s was. Kanye’s was more flashy, new, and louder. While The Beatles was a lot mellower, the music was more like a melody then a tear up the club song, and it was sending message in more harmonic way. So all together, The Beatles had a way different view on a meaningful life then Kanye did.

After watching the music video, The Good Life by Kanye West I feel that this pop culture message was faced more towards the messages of corporate culture. The reason I bring this up is due to the fact the video is practically what the title of the song is “Good Life.” And Kanye West is portraying this message of a “Good Life,” to mean that you are crazy rich, have all the new technology, be pimpin’/ have lots of ladies that want you, etc. This supports corporate culture messages because in lots of magazines/ newsstands/ newspapers, the people with a “Good Life,” are the rich and powerful ones like Kanye is showing in his video. In the verse in his video where Kanye says “Y'all pop the trunk, I pop the hood, Ferrari. And she got the goods. And she got that ass, I got to look, sorry,” says that while most people will be needing help with their car and needing to pop the trunk, Kanye is showing off his hot ride by popping the hood of it to show off his nice fast engine. Then he starts talking about the ladies by stating she “she got the goods. And she got that ass, I got to look, sorry.” Which is saying that a woman has a lot to show off like a big ass and other things and if you living the “Good Life,” you have women like these. So all together, Kanye is saying the “Good Life,” is to pimped out with money, cars, and ladies.

While our discussions of having a good and meaningful life came the idea of misery. The theory that all lives must follow this line of corporate misery and we just use their products to get happy. Like the company Apple for instance. If you feel bad inside because you can’t listen to your music on the go, Apple will tell you to buy one of our music products such as the I-phone, I-Touch, and IPod Nano in order to get happy so you can listen to music on the go. But then you will feel like crap again when they come out with a new piece of “I,” technology and you say to yourself that you want that instead of what you got and then feel like crap because you can’t get it. So we people in the world follow this line of products as distractions to make us happy.
Another theory of misery that I have is the idea that life is meant to be miserable. And people reading this might say to themselves, “Well I’m happy, I feel no misery.” But the fact is that if a person’s life was a “perfect fit,” for them, in my opinion life would just feel like it would have no meaning and just be plain out boring. The reason that in life when we are having fun and don’t want to stop it is because we want to stay distracted from the bad. But if there was no bad, there would be no reason to good and vice versa. It is all the bad times that make the good times feel so much more special. For me it has to do with my want to not be in school and rather being out doing something that I’m interested in more. But I think if life was like that and I was allowed to do what I wanted all the time without do consequence, I would believe it would get boring because I would be doing it so much. All that time of being bored and having that “I can’t wait to do this,” feeling and then actually doing what you wanted to do feel totally awesome. In my case for example, a couple of weeks ago I got tickets to the Cowboys vs. Giants game for a Sunday afternoon. And I knew I was going with someone who is a very special person in my life and that I’ve known since middle school. And the Tuesday I found out she could go made it extra exciting to see my favorite football team for the first time against our NFC East rival Dallas Cowboys knowing that I was going with someone who is special. But the part the spiced up this excitement that led to a great time and a great game was that school misery I had/ still have. That feeling of being totally bored the majority of my week and then being able to have the experience of a lifetime with someone who is special and had a great time too was a great experience.
But having these great experiences isn’t always a good thing. The reason is that even though we don’t want it like this but to some, having too many good experiences can be bad things. The reason is that if you get too used to the good, you will forget how to cope with the bad and it can lead to an endless list of consequences depending on the person. To some it might lead to getting down and negative about an issue and took others it might lead to crazy aggression. This isn’t saying that having good is a bad thing, but having too much good and then just losing all or most of it can lead to worse things than if you had a lot of bad and a little bit of good. In my case for instance, I feel that my schooling is being affected due to a lack of balance of the good and bad. I am having too much bad happen in my life and not enough good. So every time I have an opportunity for good I take it even if I know it’s not the right time. This has been affecting my schoolwork because the only time I can look for good is when I’m doing homework because that’s the only time I know I’ll get it. So instead of concentrating on the task at hand, I’m looking for the good at the wrong time due to losing all my good and now facing “the withdraw of good,” or just retaliating because I’m not used to this much bad.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Short Essay on Other People Perspectives on Thier Meaningfullness in Life

Don’t you ever sit in class during a random discussion/ lecture and think to yourself, is my life meaningful? And the answer to that question is based on the person who is answering the question because there are a various amount of answers. Some people will give you the answer “well of course my life is meaningful just because I’m me,” there are those others who will give you the answer “I think my life is actually kind of average and that it isn’t nothing special,” and then there are those who are just like “my life don’t mean shit.” These answers come from inside and deep down where u can honestly and rationally think about life. And the answer to this has to do with a person’s situation in life. Most of the time if a person has a very rich family they feel that their life means everything, usually the middle class can go both ways, and lower class feel like shit because they have no money so they feel like they mean nothing. The reason this is, is because those with good grades and a lot of money feel that their life is going somewhere but poor people with their life in turmoil feel their lives are meaningless because they feel they are so far down the shitter and can’t get out. In my situation I feel like I’m in between the middle class perspective and the lower class perspective. The reason I think so is because my life is kind of messed up now because of my grades and that my parents keep taking things away from me. But this doesn’t mean that my life is meaningless in my eyes. To me it says my life can be more meaningful if I just do something about it.
When I asked other people on the street, I was getting mixed answers. And the variety of these answers had to do with the person’s situation in life. I remember I asked this guy who was sitting on a bench on 22nd street and he told me that his life wasn’t really meaningful. He said that on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the most meaningful that his life was a 4/10. And the reason he gave me was that he was having problems and he didn’t know where his life was going. In my opinion he wasn’t rich and he was struggling to find his way in the world. On the contrary the dean of SOF Mr. Marks actually feels very confident about the meaning of his life. He felt that on the scale of 1-10 that his life was an 8. This tells me that because of his occupation he feels that his life really means something. That it is meaningful to make sure that kids are safe, a school system is running smoothly, and that he has the good feeling that he is sending America’s youth into college. So different people have different views on their importance in life based on their current situation in life.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Pop Culture Reflection #2 (All You Need is Love)

After watching the music video, All You Need is Love; by The Beatles it gave me an entire different view of having a meaningful life. On the contrast of Kanye with being pimped out with cars, money, and ladies. The Beatles demonstrate an entirely different point of view of a meaningful life by saying to have meaning is to love. So like if you don’t love something, it doesn’t mean anything. By saying this it practically pushes aside everything that Kanye stated in his video that you need money and ladies. But The Beatles think that love makes life meaningful. That money can’t buy you happiness. It’s only that if you find something in life that’s close to you and you can live by and then you will be happy. Also in the video it was not as hyped and crazy as Kanye’s was. Kanye’s was more flashy, new, and louder. While The Beatles was a lot mellower, the music was more like a melody then a tear up the club song, and it was sending message in more harmonic way. So all together, The Beatles had a way different view on a meaningful life then Kanye did.

Pop Culture Reflection #1 (the Good Life)

After watching the music video, The Good Life by Kanye West I feel that this pop culture message was faced more towards the messages of corporate culture. The reason I bring this up is due to the fact the video is practically what the title of the song is “Good Life.” And Kanye West is portraying this message of a “Good Life,” to mean that you are crazy rich, have all the new technology, be pimpin’/ have lots of ladies that want you, etc. This supports corporate culture messages because in lots of magazines/ newsstands/ newspapers, the people with a “Good Life,” are the rich and powerful ones like Kanye is showing in his video. In the verse in his video where Kanye says “Y'all pop the trunk, I pop the hood, Ferrari. And she got the goods. And she got that ass, I got to look, sorry,” says that while most people will be needing help with their car and needing to pop the trunk, Kanye is showing off his hot ride by popping the hood of it to show off his nice fast engine. Then he starts talking about the ladies by stating she “she got the goods. And she got that ass, I got to look, sorry.” Which is saying that a woman has a lot to show off like a big ass and other things and if you living the “Good Life,” you have women like these. So all together, Kanye is saying the “Good Life,” is to pimped out with money, cars, and ladies.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

About This Historic Election

Going into this election I had a good feeling that Barack Obama was going to win. The reason is that a lot of people in this country are suffering due to a stock market that’s in free fall, mortgage and gas prices going up, and two wars that are costing the economy millions of dollars a day. Due to this, a change in the white house was needed. Not for another republican to be running the show and following in the footsteps of the person who doesn’t give less of a fuck about anything, George W. Bush. Even though McCain would speak all these things about change and trying to make things cheaper, he is still a republican which means he will be for the wealthy. Only caring about those with elegant houses, beautiful cars, tons of land, and just people whom overall have a better lifestyle then the vast majority. Even on CNN during the election it showed the types of people who were projected/ who did vote for each canidate and even those in the upper class voted for Obama disregarding the fact that their taxes would be increased. This shows that with the economy and stock market in recession, that even those in the upper class feel that it is a time for change because they have that feeling that this economy is catching up with them when it comes to their finances.

But people who are expecting an immediate change from Barack are in for a big surprise. Even though he already got elected, he doesn’t start his term until January. Plus, this country is so far down in the shitter that it’s not going to take six months to get everything back to normal. It will take an extended period of time in order to get things running smoothly in our government. Plus with the war in Iraq, Barack will not immediately pull our troops out because he doesn’t want to look like a wimp. He will stay there for a while and then gradually pull troops out. So all together I feel very happy and have more confident in my future with Barack Obama as our president, but change is a long way off.