Friday, January 30, 2009

Online Folk Sourses/ Advice

The first page I looked at was, How to get an autograph at a baseball game. This one struck me very hard because this is something that really relates to me. The author of this shows the obvious dominant message is that getting autographs is good but also showing smaller messages with it. The author did this when he/she said “Don't shove things in their face. Be polite and act how you would want someone to treat you. Avoid getting into a feeding frenzy for an autograph… Some players will prefer to address autographs to you personally. "To John, Thanks for being a fan..." The personalized autographs don't sell for as much but are more sentimental to the diehard fans.” This shows that when trying to get an autograph it’s not all about being aggressive or an asshole to the player or the people around you. It shows the lesson that if you be nice and treat people with respect you will have a higher chance of getting what you want. People who practically throw things in the player’s faces are the ones who get rejected. But this also teaches how to cope with not getting what you want. The way it does is that even if you follow all the steps mentioned, doesn’t mean you are assured an autograph. Lots of players may stay they can’t or due to it being in the middle of a game they don’t want to be disturbed. So by doing this people are able to learn valuable lessons just by trying to get autographs. This folk message of trying to get an autograph is a key component to having a good and meaningful life because it shows a balance. A balance of a corporate message in trying to get a little bit of profit through maybe selling the merchandise but also folk message by going after something someone who is 12 years old who probably want.
The other one I read was, How to be a good Yankees fan? This one connected to me stronger than any other one I read due to the fact that I’m a diehard Yankees Fan. The author shows the dominant message which is, how to be a Yankees fan, but I also am able to see through that to see the corporate and folk messages. This is by knowing that what the author is trying to do is give the outline on what to do, but being a Yankee fan myself I also see he is saying you have to have money to go to games(corporate message), but also be passionate to something greater then you(folk). Lines that tell me the corporate message are “When you go to a Yankees game try and sit in Section 39 with the Bleacher Creatures, if you’re not from New York, and have never been to a Yankee's game in New York. You are a bandwagon fan, try getting to a game when they have Old Timer's Day.” These quotes mean that in order to be a part of the Yankees community, you are required to have money and spend it to go to certain games and sit in certain parts of the ballpark. Otherwise you are a fake fan or not even a fan at all. This is how corporate messages play into being a Yankees fan. But there are also folk messages that play a role in this too. Lines that show me this are “Watch the game with a friend or family member who is a baseball fan. That way, you will learn more about the sport itself and the team and the players, Stay strong. Red Sox fans will try to break you down. Don't ever turn against the team though. Just remember the Yankees and their glory!” These lines show folk messages through saying that you don’t want to be a lonely person. That watching the games with friends can be more educational and plus more enjoyable. So you don’t have to be a rich guy who goes to all the games by him/herself but instead watch the games with friends who care about you. Also being a Yankees fan shows you how to cope with people who are assholes (Mets or Red Sox fans). The way it does is because they will try to bad mouth you about your team even when your team is actually winning. So by being a Yankees fan you are able to practice how to let things go in one ear and out the other.

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