Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Inaugeration Day

During the inauguration day ceremonies there were aspects of life that were shown discreetly. These are aspects such as wealth, power, money, and popularity. These are things that most Americans would concider major factors on how to live a good and meaningful life. Being able to be adored and looked up to by everyone, having the power to make major changes to your favor and the ones around you, having a family and kids, and be pretty well taken care of when it comes down to the money. Aspects like these are the ones the majority of America goes after. Feeling/ being at the top of the hill instead of being that middle—lower class person who nobody thinks or cares about. In an American view we always see and hear about the upper class celebrities and people who are just rich because people see them as the “American Dream.”
During the speech and ceremonies these things were being portrayed in small ways. The way something like power, wealth, and being rich was portrayed in small separate ways. Power was being shown though him swearing himself to his presidency. He had to swear that he would serve, protect, and defend the United States and make sure the country is living peacefully. Being wealth and rich was shown though something you had to notice which was what the important people where wearing. All of them were wearing their best clothes and jackets for this historic occasion. But during Obama’s speech he was also cristising the lower- middle classes. The way he did this was saying that due to the stock market and the economy going to shit, the lower—middle class people are really suffering and was therefore critiqued by saying that he will higher taxes for the upper class in order to help out the lower—middle class. He is critiquing this because these people can’t afford to live on their normal budgets with this economy so therefore he was critiquing it by giving his people a plan of action to make our living situation better.

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