Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Food internet research

Now as I have researched it, I believe that school food actually isn’t as bad as we portray it to be. The only reason we make it out to be so bad is because it is healthy food. And as kids we think that all healthy food is disgusting but in the big picture, school lunches actually look for us to be healthier. This is to teach us to eat more fruits and veggies and not eat as much crap. But by now knowing this we can change our opinions and use school lunch to the best of our benefit. Therefore, I believe we can make school lunch even better if we just accept it and try to embrace what society is trying to give us.


Food in my Refrigerator

· Soda
· Veggies
· Cheese
· Milk
· Salsa
· Ketchup and mustard
· Peanut butter
· Red Bull
· Pasta and shrimp

I believe that food in my refrigerator follow more or less the ideas of the mainstream American way of food culture. The reason I believe so is because a lot of my food I would say is junk food and that is what the American culture tries to do. This is take foods that are considered for “poor people,” and make them look like they are food for a king. Because I honestly think that a lot of the foods I eat are blown up to be classy foods when they are really meant for someone in middle class. So in this matter, I feel that me and my family are victims to the American food culture by being persuaded by the media that the food we eat is awesome for us, when it really isn’t.

Food for the past 24 hours. Night of 4/28/09- night of 4/29/09

· 1 Red Bull
· 2 Gatorades
· 1 7-Eleven slurpee
· 1 hot dog
· Juicy-fruit gum
· Pasta and Sausage
· 2 glasses of Pepsi
· 1 Nesquik chocolate milk
When I consumed these foods/ drinks I am mostly by myself. This is due to when I am at home I eat and do my homework at the same time so therefore I am by myself and not with anybody. The only things I had with other people were my hot dog, slurpee, Gatorades, red bull, and juicy-fruit gum. This is because these are foods that are associated with my friends and I. For example: I drank a red bull to recover from an injury and I was chewing gum at my baseball game because it is something us ball players do.
So as you may notice, this is almost the daily eating routine of my life. I am mostly alone because I usually have to eat alone with only my homework to do. It is kind of a bad feeling to have because sometimes I think about the food I am eating and think about how not being able to enjoy it with anyone is a bad thing. I sometimes try to enjoy food my others like my dad but that is usually only during a sports event. Therefore my eating is usually alone or with my friends and usually always alone at home.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

my food, family food, USA food

I believe my food habits are just like my family’s food habits. The reason being is because we are very informal so if there’s a dinner we just go and get our food and just find a seat on the couch to eat. Foods we eat are widespread. Since my family is Jewish we are suppose to be kosher but we feel that there is more to life and we should appreciate food. So therefore we break that rule of being Jewish to eat other foods such as pork. But foods we eat can be anything. Things such as beef, chicken, pasta, veggies, potatoes, burgers, and almost anything else you can think of.
These eating habits differentiate from our American way of food culture. The way it does is because we don’t just be eating from American institutions such as McDonalds, Burger King, Subway, Etc. We as a family actually cook our food to be good and special instead of a good for nothing fast food cheeseburger. People who usually cook for holidays are my relatives so that is a special feeling to have. Even though I do most of the cooking in my own apartment. This differentiates from American culture because American culture food like McDonalds is worth nothing. But a home cooked meal by a relative is something special.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Old people questions from class (2nd draft)

1:what percentage of old people are on anti depressants?

i couldnt find a percentage, but i did find that there are 2.4 billion drugs perscribed to elderly people and of those 2.4 billion, 118 million were for antidepressants.
2:how much money are you willing to spend on medical exspences?

i couldnt find for old people, but i did find in a Harvord study in 2005 that due to medical bills it caused 1,458,000 personal bankruptcies.

3:what are the leading causes of death?
the leading causes of death is Corenary Heart Disease and any kind of cancer.

4:do the eldery get enough attendtion?
it depends on your situation in life. most people with money and more power are able to get the resources to get advanced medical care. but some are get the medical help if they have a senior medical alert device. which a device seniors can use if they are in need of major medical help.

5:how many pills do they take a day?
not a specific number was named but there have been a lot more perscribed pills for more healthier people then less healthier people.

6:if they have kids, how much do they check up on you?
no specific number stated but there have been stradegies for children to be with frial elders a lot more so the child can understand these adult scenarios plus have these elders live healthier and happier lives.

Health Paper

Since the beginning of this health unit, I have discovered some new views of health along with ones that I have already agreed with. These new ideas consist of the ways of therapy, personal decision, and even food. The reason I haven’t thought of these before is due to the American culture. This has to do with the messages our media gives us and whenever we hear “health,” the first thing people think are “flatter abs.” But as I have learned there is more to health then just those abs because there is more to your body and emotions then just being buff/ physically fit. By learning this I am able to insight my own life through these combined known and used to be unknown idea of health.

One of the ideas of that I have learned are the ways of therapy. By learning about ways of therapy I was able to infer how a therapist helps dictate how to live our lives which is actually unhealthy. When a person pays a therapist for help they are actually not telling us to be ourselves by to conform to the way society says we should be which is unhealthy in my opinion. I feel as though a therapist should advise a person’s qualities to tweak them up in order to live a healthy life. Not try to mold a person into something they are not. By learning this I wouldn’t pay attention to this sort of health. The reason is because I don’t want to change who I am. Except tweak up certain aspects for the better.

Another aspect of health I have learned about was personal decisions. The example we used in class was the one with the guy in retirement who has to make a choice between saving the car he has saved money his entire life for or saving a little kid from getting hit by a train. Either way he can’t get both so either his dream car gets destroyed or a kid dies. So in my opinion I feel that the healthy decision would be to save the kid. Even though the car represents the one person’s financial security, everyone should have the right to live. Therefore saving the kid would be more morally right instead of saving a material object. This would be something that I would use in my own life because it tests your ability to make big decisions. I believe that the right decision is the one that would affect the most people positively. Therefore by saving the kid it would affect others in an emotionally positive way instead of that person being brutally murdered which in most cases would result in agony. Instead of saving the car which only would’ve affected one person. In this sense I feel that I would use this in my life to become a healthier person

The final main idea I never thought about was food. Food is something that is very healthy for a person not only in a physical way but also in a mental/emotional way. The reason this part of health works both ways is because for the physical aspect there are considered healthy and unhealthy types of food. So for those good healthy foods it helps a person stay physically fit to do daily activities. Even non everyday activities such as sports or special types of expeditions that people take when they go on adventures in the wild. But at the same time this also affects the emotional aspect of food. This is because most people who are naturally physically fit and not on steroids; it will usually impact the mind in a positive way. This is due to being able to be able to do wild things you want to do and plus have people look at you in a respected way. Instead of that ugly, cranky, fat ass that no one wants to be around. Therefore I would use this aspect of health in my own life because I want to be looked at as one of the cool healthy people instead of the ugly fat ass. Plus playing sports is important to me so I can’t eat all junk food and be happy if I expect to succeed in sports.

All together, I have really changed some of my aspects of health. Because before I thought it was all about just being happy with flatter abs. but as I have learned throughout this unit there is more to health then that because if it was all flatter abs then there would be no reason to be therapists in the world. Plus we wouldn’t ever think about observing the value that certain things, like food have behind them because we as a capitalist society don’t even pay attention to those types of things due to our media.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Break Emotional Health

During my break I have had a various amounts of emotional states. Some that extends from being very happy to extremely pissed off. Times where being very happy has occurred is when I was playing baseball and being with my friends. This was because I was getting out of my boring concealed house and getting out having fun. Also this was due to me being able to use my body in a lively athletic way which I enjoy doing though the way of baseball. But the times that I was actually pissed off were times when I actually caused the problem. This was when I forgot to call my dad when I went over to a friend’s house and I was then not allowed to buy New York Rangers playoff tickets. But after this experience I have learned that to help my emotional health all I have to do is listen. So then I will be able to be happier and live a freer life.
In my opinion I don’t believe being emotionally healthy means being happy all the time. I believe it means have the proper balance between the good and bad emotions. The reason I believe so is because nothing I meant to be perfect. So I believe that having a balance of emotions is better than being happy all the time. That is because those people who are too happy and then have to deal with a tiny issue can have the tendency to freak out and blow the issue out of proportion. The reason this happens is because the ones who are too happy don’t know how to deal with adversity. They feel that everything goes their way, so when they get a problem they don’t know how to handle it. That is why someone with a balance is emotionally healthier because they know how to react and live with good and the bad in a balance manor. Instead of getting extremely pissed off at the small things and not caring about the big important things.
Connecting back to the therapy methods I believe that my theory of balance and the therapies ideas of resolving all issues don’t connect. The reason I believe so is because what I have noticed throughout my whole life is that not all problems are going to be solved and life isn’t going to be perfect. So that even though I do believe that talking to a therapist can help, it won’t ever be a permanent solution a person’s life. All it is is a stepping stone for capitalism because what happens is you are able to resolve some issues and you keep coming back for more to attempt to resolve the really hard ones. So when the issues don’t/ can’t get solved you keep going back to therapy for more because your therapist believes you need it. So I believe that having therapy is a temporary cure for some issues, but can never a permanent cure for all/ or big flaws in a person’s life.

Co- Counsiling

I feel that this technique can be rather helpful towards many people but I specifically point out teenagers being the best for this method in my opinion. The reason I think so is because Co-counseling has to do with the two people sharing each other’s issues to help find a solution. The reason I feel teenagers are the best for this is because if the person finds a co-counselor with similar issues, the person won’t feel that they are the only ones out there with those issues. And so therefore and work together and resolving their issues without getting too angry.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Health Questions

1. Why is my health so important to me?
Health is important to me for a various amount of reasons but there are only a few main ones. The main ones are that I like being physically fit because it makes me happy and I’m an athlete and because it makes me feel mentally and emotionally good about myself. The way it affects me mentally and emotionally is because these two things have to do with how I feel on a daily basis. When I don’t get out to play and exercise enough I get a feeling of being “fat,” and like crap. So therefore my health is important to me because it affects me on a daily basis.
Source: myself
2: how diverse are types of care of people with health issues?
The types/amount of people in the U.S with extential health care was very shocking. On a pie chart I found it stated that 30% have hospital care, 21% in physical/ clinical services, 10% in retail- RX drugs, 7% program administration, 6% nursing homes, 3% government health care, 3% home health care, and 10% other activities. This tells me that there are much more people in the U.S with health difficulty then I thought. I think it is mostly due to accidental injury, developing something inherited throughout life, or even receiving something from another person. The reason I think this is because I believe that people don’t become unhealthy on purpose, it is that they are either inflicting some personal issue on their health or they had nothing to do with the problem. Because I don’t think people try to give themselves cancer on purpose.
3: what does health mean?
Healthy - having or indicating good health in body or mind; free from infirmity or disease; "a rosy healthy baby"; "staying fit and healthy
4: how many people eventually end up with some sort of cancer?
On a worldwide scale in 2002 1,151,298 people had breast cancer, 1,023,152 had colon cancer, 1,352,132 people had lung cancer, and 679,023 people had prostate cancer.
5: what are some ways serious health defects can be avoided?
The main reason according to this site that there are defects on a person life is through alcohol. So for alcohol what people can stop doing is drinking too much of it and constantly getting drunk to enjoy a moment or especially drinking during pregnancy because alcohol causes birth defects so the baby will be born with health issues.
6: are people who are mentally ill considered healthy?
As interpreted from the web page, being mentally ill is not considered healthy. The reason being is that to be defined as mentally ill you must be in distress in various aspects of your life such as work, social situations, etc. so it can therefore be interpreted that being mentally ill is considered unhealthy and there is no alternative point of view to it because, for example: you can be in a coma and be mentally stable at the same time.
7: what are the main personal reasons people try to stay healthy?
Main personal reasons to stay healthy are for things like family, financial, and even your own personal survival. By being healthy you are almost assured to live longer and have more energy throughout a day then someone who isn’t healthy. And not only does health affect yourself but it affects the family too because when you are very unhealthy your family members might get worried about how long you will be alive for.
8: how does mood affect health?
A way that mood affects a person daily is going through something as simple as having an argument with another person. This causes the body to take longer to repair itself. This test was conducted with daily arguing couples at Ohio State where scientists would give the couples tiny blisters and then see how long it took to heal. It ended up it took 40% longer then if they didn’t argue.
9: is perfect health possible?